
Create a new account

Confirm password:

Welcome to LIBRA Insurance Partners

If this is your first time logging in to this new version, you will first need to reset your password by clicking the "Forgot your password" link below the login button or CLICK HERE.

You will be prompted to put in your email address and you will receive a link to reset your password within minutes. If you do not receive the link in a timely fashion, please be sure to check your SPAM folder and mark the email as Not SPAM.

You will have the same level of access as you had on the legacy version of the website.

If you are unable to login after following the above steps, please contact us at for further assistance.

No login?

If you do not currently have an account, please follow steps outlined below:

NOTE: NOTE: You must use your LIBRA Partner agency email address to register and login.

  1. Click on REGISTER
  2. Complete New Account Registration Form
  3. Check your email for a Confirmation Request
  4. Click the link on the Confirmation Request Email to verify your address is correct
  5. Some email addresses will require administrative approval before access is permitted. If this is the case for your email address, you will be notified upon login
  6. f you need a higher level of security, you will need to contact your Account Administrator